Weather vs Climate | Kids DIY
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Get startedHelping children understand the difference between climate and weather can be difficult. We’ve made a DIY to help you explain the difference!
In this article we’ll:
- Explain the why it is important for kids to know difference between weather and climate (and what the difference is)
- Walk you through our weather vs climate DIY, which can help kids understand the difference between weather and climate
Why it is important for kids to know the difference between the weather and climate
Weather and climate are two different concepts that play essential roles in our understanding of the environment.
Weather refers to the short-term conditions of the atmosphere, like precipitation, temperature, wind and humidity that can change on a daily or even hourly basis.
Climate, on the other hand, refers to the long-term patterns and trends of weather in a specific region over a period of decades or centuries.
Understanding the difference between weather and climate helps kids to better understand the potential impacts of human activities, such as greenhouse gas emissions on the climate system.
By teaching kids about weather and climate, we can help them become better stewards of the environment and encourage them to make informed decisions about how they can contribute to a more sustainable future.
Cool facts to get kids excited about the weather
- The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in Furnace Creek Ranch, California (USA), where it reached 56.7 degrees Celsius (134 degrees Fahrenheit) in 1913.
- The coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -89.2 degrees Celcius (-128.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in Vostok, Antarctica in 1983.
- The wettest place on Earth is in India, in a village called Mawsynram, which gets an average of 11,871 millimeters (467 inches) of rain per year.
- The driest place on Earth is in Chile in the Atacama Desert, where there are some areas that have not seen rainfall for over 400 years.
The weather in the different seasons
Spring: In the spring, temperatures start to warm up and trees and flowers begin to bloom. This season can bring rain showers, thunderstorms and be cold for a period of time, specifically during the earlier part of the season.
Summer: Summer is normally seen as the hottest season with long days and temperatures which are high. This season can bring sunny and humid weather, as well as thunderstorms or hurricanes in coastal areas.
Fall: In the fall, temperatures start to become cooler and the leaves on the trees begin to change color. This season can bring temperatures that are mild, sporadic rain showers and cool breezes.
Winter: Winter is normally the season that is the coldest, with short days and long nights. This season can
Weather clock to measure the weather
We are going to create a meteorological clock with which your children can understand the concept of weather or atmospheric time, simply by looking out their windows and analyzing what the weather is like at any given moment!
To create the clock you need:
Print the two pdfs. One contains the clock and its arrow, and the other the elements depicting the weather such as the sun, clouds, etc.
Print the templates here:
- Pair of scissors
- Glue
- Paper
- Colored markers
- A rope to hang it in the room
Step 1
Start by coloring the elements depicting the weather, that is, the sun, the clouds, etc. Also color the arrow with which the children will indicate what the weather is like at any given moment. We have painted it red but feel free to use your favorite colors.
Step 2
Now is the time to start cutting! With adult supervision at all times, as scissors can be dangerous. Cut out the elements depicting the weather, the circle, the arrow and voilá!
Step 3
This is the moment when we put together our weather clock. Using a glue stick, glue each item onto one of the clock's sections until it is filled out.
Step 4
Now we need to add the arrow to the clock. To do this, you need a rectangular piece of paper no more than 3 centimeters long, like the one you can see in the image.
Now roll it up! Make it into a roll of paper, the tighter rolled the better. To keep its shape, apply a little glue to it.
Step 5
Make a hole in the arrow and another one in the center of the clock. Place the rolled paper in the center and, surprise! Now the arrow can rotate to point at the different types of weather.
Step 6
Add the rope so that your children, or the children you care for, can hang their fantastic creations in their rooms. From now on they will never forget what the weather is! And they will be able to describe it as little experts.
We hope you enjoyed our Weather Clock DIY! If you've completed this DIY, we'd love to see it!
Make sure to share with us on Facebook and Instagram at @babysits.
Would you like to have more activities for children with climate and environmental themes? Check out our science experiments and other activities and diys!
Looking to take more Climate Action?
We’re a member of Leaders for Climate Action, and they’ve provided quick and easy actions that any individual can take in order to take action for the climate. Check out the actions here!